For me this year was amazing, and I am very grateful in every possible way!
Clay Cat Shop stopped being my hobby to "formally" become my full time job! now I get to clay everyday for work, and do graphic design on the side as my hobby! Not bad at all, after 17 years of doing it the other way! =)
So, as the artist behind Clay Cat Shop I would like to invite you to keep checking with me every now and then for updates, freebies and funny stories. Join me on this art adventure where we will celebrate together accomplishments and success!
Have a truly amazing New Year 2011, full of peace, love and laughter!
Adriana =)
I wish this new year all your projects take shape and you can actually see much of this dream... Congratulations on this big step and, as "The Secret" says: Relax and allow the Universe to magnetize you to your dream and your dream to you..
Thank you Dani!!! =) 2011 will be a GREAT, AMAZING, WONDERFUL YEAR!!!! Love you lots!!!