
About the Artist

Hi again :) my name is Adriana Ayala, and I am the artist behind ClayCatShop. My strong background in Graphic Design and my love for Polymer Clay are the forces behind this endeavor. I attended the University of Art College in San Francisco (1990-1991) and I'm a graduate of the Instituto de Diseño de Caracas in Venezuela (Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design, 1994).

Clay Illustration is my passion... outstanding design my life. I have been illustrating with Polymer Clay & Plasticine since 1995. 
I'm a proud and current  IPCA member (International Polymer Clay Association)

I'm happily married to the love of my life, my husband is my rock and partner in everything.  Together, we have 2 wonderful daughters, who are my continuous source of love, joy, laughter and inspiration.

I love to spend time with my family, and one of the most wonderful things about my profession is that I get to be with them most of the time. My girls love to "play" clay with me, and they continuously amaze me with their creativeness! :)

Thank you for sharing my passion for art, clay & design and for being with me, every step of the way :) Have a truly wonderful day! :)
